Danh mục sản phẩm
For greener and safer world!
chất càng hóa
>>Traditional Chelating Agents:EDTA, DTPA, HEDP, DTPMP;
>>New generation Chelating Agents: GLDA, MGDA, ASDA, IDS, EDDS, Gluceptate Sodium.
Hóa Chất Xử Lý Nước
For the treatment of cooling water and boiling water, among others.
>>Chất càng hóa: EDTA, DTPA, HEDP, GLDA, MGDA, etc.;
>>Chất phân tán: HPMA, PESA, PASP, PAA;
>>Hóa Chất Khử Trùng Diệt Khuẩn: DBNPA, Bronopol, PHMG, PHMB, CMIT/MIT;
Used in polymer-based products such as plastics, textile, polyurethane foam, and woods.
>>MC, MP, MPP.
Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate (SDBS)
CAS Number: 25155-30-0;EC No.: 246-680-4; Chất hoạt động bề mặt anion Natri dodecylbenzene sulfonate là một chất hoạt động bề mặt anion hiệu quả cao,…
chất càng hóa, Chất tạo phức, Cosmetic Ingredient, PASP, sequestering agent, Sodium Polyaspartate, Surfactants, Hóa Chất Xử Lý Nước
Sodium Polyaspartate
CAS No.: 34345-47-6; 94525-01-6; 181828-06-8; Sodium polyaspartate is green biodegradable polymer, used in water treatment chemicals, dispersants, scale inhibitor, detergents, etc.
CAS Number: 144538-83-0; Molecular formula: C8H7NO8Na4; IDS-Na4 is a non-phosphorus, biodegradable chelating agent. Good chelating property to copper and iron ions.
DTPA is traditional chelating agent. DTPA acid, CAS No. 67-43-6; DTPA-5Na pentasodium, CAS No. 140-01-2; DTPA penta potassium(DTPA-5K), CAS No. 7216-95-7; DTPA Acid is white…
CAS No.: 51981-21-6 Chemical formula: C8H7NO8.4Na; EC No.: 257-573-7; GLDA-Na, Chất chelating (chất cô lập ion kim loại). Chất càng hóa. Chất tạo phức.
CAS Number: 32289-58-0; 27083-27-8; Polyhexamethylene biguanide, hydrochloride; PHMB hydrochloride; PHMB is raw materials for the production of biocide, bactericide, disinfectant, water treatment chemicals. PHMB is…
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